Saturday, May 23, 2020

Rain, Rain Go Away 2

After God broke the news about the method of death to Noah, He made a pact to protect Noah and His family from imminent doom. "Just kuku carry your family members and enter the ark. You will sha have room mates. A pair of every animal, clean and unclean will have to share the ark with you". God explained that after the death of everyone and everything, life will start afresh! Hollup though, I thought God said He would destroy the entire earth and everything in it including the animals?! See how merciful our heavenly Daddy is right? Don't you just love Him?

To Noah's amazement, he didn't have to switch to hunter mode to find these animals. They came to him to be preserved. Who led them to the ark? How did they know there was impending doom and they needed a safe haven? Two by Two, Clean and Unclean, all these animals marched straight into the ark with a sense of entitlement (Eyes rolling to the east). It all made sense to Noah why God asked him to make the ark ginormous. To make room for the animal Nephilim version like the Hippo, Elephant, Bull, Rhino, you name it. Some of us will see ordinary snake, just one and we'll pick race with our heels touching the back of our head. Shame! Noah had to deal with the good, bad and ugly animals and here you are, running away from snake! Shame! Racheal Shame! Yeah, I'm describing my reaction! Moving on!
 So, God asked Noah, "My guy, shebi your 600th birthday is in seven days?" Noah responded in the affirmative and God said the flood waters would start to fall on his 600th birthday. As such, he should ensure that his family members stay in the ark with the animals for safety. God also reminded him to take enough food for the human and animal occupants of the ark, before Mr Elephant will go in looking like Mr Elephant and come out looking like Mr Giraffe. Slim with long neck! Not good!

Before his 600th birthday, Noah probably tried to warn the Nephilim and regular human 'black hearted' community to change their ways and come into the ark with him to save themselves from death. They mocked him, laughed at him and probably called him a moving mad man building a useless big kom-kom (container) for his fellow mad children and himself. They called his bluff and  didn't listen.

It so happened that the D-Day came! The sky thickened as the dark clouds gathered. Noah, nicely tucked in with his human and animal ark mates, waited patiently for the rains to start falling. On February Seventeenth, 'something something' BC, when Noah turned 600, the rains started. In fact, God opened all the chambers of water underground and above ground to flood the earth mercilessly so that no black heart would make it out alive.

The flood was so intense because the rains fell for forty days and forty nights. One Whole month plus a few more days on top! The extermination was legit. God had to wipe out every evil from the face of the earth. In fact the water level kept on increasing and lifting the ark high above mountains. Remember, that ark heavy gan gan! Yet it was going up! God really mean  am o. No wonder He said He honors His word more than His name. He talk say He go wipe out, and He wipe out true true.

God was so into the wiping out that He forgot our 600 year old grandpa and his travel companions floating on water. "Ehen! No more black heart again! Kimon! Ewo, I forgot my people inside ark oh!" What I'm trying to say is, God remembered Noah and all his travel buddies so the rains stopped. It's safe to say that the rains stopped on the Twenty Ninth day of March, 'something something' BC. God released the wind to blow over the waters, and the waters gradually receded. But there was a longer wait ahead of them.

Noah and his travel buddies were stuck in the ark and couldn't see any form of dry land. They were still surrounded by water. In fact, it was on the First Day of October, 'something something' BC (Nigeria's Independence Day dey for Bible! Aren't we a special bunch?) that they could see the top of some mountains around them. You think you are tired of staying at home because of Corona Virus? Ask Noah how market and then wait for his response!

After another forty days from First October, on the Tenth of November, Noah sent out a Raven to go and see how far the water had receded. But I imagine the Raven saying "Na me dey see freedom like this? This man think say I go wan come back this lock down ark? No way! Au revoir ma cherie!" And the Raven flew away, Never to be seen again! No wonder Ravens are black! Moving on!

Seeing that the Raven was not a loyalist, Noah sent out a Dove to see if the water had receded below the ground. This dove on the other hand was different. "Oga Noah don try for us. I will come back with whatever I find". So as the dove flew above the waters, it didn't see any dry land to perch on. Did it return? We'll find out in the next paragraph!

Aha! The dove was a loyalist. It returned, but with bad news. No visible dry land just yet. Then, Noah reached out his arm so the dove could perch on it. "Well done my boy! You came back". They went back into the ark. Noah waited for another seven days, and then he sent the dove back out to check. This time however, it came back bearing good news!
The dove came back to Noah in the evening of the same day it was sent out with a freshly plucked olive leaf in its beak. That was when Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth. But did he rush out of the ark? No.

Noah waited another seven days and then he sent the dove out one more time! This time though the dove probably said, "Oga, I don try for you! This time na goodbye o. Eez like I wont be coming back this way again! Forward ever, backward neverrrrrrrrrrrrrr"... And so it happened, that the most loyal dove you'll ever hear about flew away into the sunlight, never to be seen again! But, did Noah and his travel buddies leave the ark? Was it finally time to get out of this ginormous box?! No!

So, Freedom finally came! On New year's Day, First January, 'something something' BC almost a full year later, God asked Noah, his wife Naamah  and everyone else in the ark to come back out into the earth. He also instructed that they be fruitful and multiply in order to fill up all the vacancies created by the extermination of all those black hearts. I've wondered though, was there a smell of decaying flesh in the air or did God take care of that while they were in the ark? I believe He took care of it. Anyway, they all came out of the ark rejoicing I presume. Then on the Twenty Seventh day of February that same year, the earth was completely dry! How wonderful it must have felt!

It didn't end there though. Noah built an alter and sacrificed some of the clean animals that had started multiplying in the ark during their year of isolation. The Lord smelled the aroma! It must have been really good because after perceiving the aroma, God made a promise immediately and sealed the promise with a sign. He didn't even have to eat what Noah had sacrificed. The way to God's heart though, is it through His stomach? I doubt it! Make Him happy by willingly giving Him ALL of you and you'll have His heart.
So, God set a rainbow in the sky as a sign of the covenant He made with Noah and all living creatures. "Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." And that was how the rain finally went away. Each time you see a rainbow, be reminded about God's covenant with mankind. He can still destroy mankind with something else if we don't set our lives straight! We all need to be guided. Change that heart from jet black to crimson fluffy red!

#The End!

Food for thought:

-Has anyone ever warned you about the consequences of your actions and you refused to listen? How did you feel when the consequences of these actions finally caught up with you?

- How are you feeling during this lock down period? Has Noah's situation encouraged you?

- Do you think you can be as patient as Noah? Or do you relate more with the disloyal raven?

-When God does something for you, what kind of gratitude do you give Him in return? Does it move Him to make a pact with you or release blessings upon you?

- How are you living your life? What color is your heart? Will it motivate God to save mankind or destroy all of humanity?

Thanks once again for following this story through! Stay safe, wash your hands, be responsible and Pray!

Love, Racheal.

All Photos used in this article DO NOT  belong to the writer. All culled from Google images! 


  1. We all need to be guided. Change that heart from jet black to crimson fluffy red!
    Epic finishing

  2. lol aren't you a sweetheart? thank you dear

  3. Thank you so much Rachael. Na gode. Hmmmm
