Saturday, December 15, 2018

Street 365!

Hi Daddy! This lengthy blog post is about you and for you because you love reading articles. On the 16th of December 2017, about 25 minutes after your birthday the previous day, you left! You died! Without warning... It came as a shock to me, Mummy actually thought you had just fainted that night. Death didn't even cross her mind. I believe God loved you so much. He didn't allow you experience any pain. "I want to die in my sleep". "I don't want to stress anyone". You were always making those statements, but each time we'd ask you not to talk about death. God answered your prayers. Indeed you died in your sleep. Your death left us miserable to say the least. 

We cried, and cried, and cried some more. We had lost our hero. Mummy was broken for the most part. She didn't understand it. "I was with him a few minutes ago. He described a house to me and asked me to go there and he'd meet up with me. He asked me to keep a bottle of wine for him. Wait, it was his birthday a few minutes ago. What's going on?" She needed someone to explain. She was detaching from reality a little bit and the five of us had to step up and attempt filling the void. Mannnnn, God is great Daddy! He helped us rally round her like white blood cells coming together to fight war against malaria parasites. We're trying our best but nothing can fill that void in her heart. She misses you a lot. Sometimes I hear her cry and I pretend I'm asleep just so she'd cry and feel better. Meanwhile, I now occupy your bed space. My room is just housing clothes and shoes... If I attempt staying on my own, she "who has the final say", will come and drag me back to her, no, OUR room! Daddy, you were indeed a great listener because you loved and married a story teller. 

So, it's been 365 days without you, and to be very candid, it's been tough. We try to laugh, smile, joke around and put up a happy front, BUT deep down inside we're still patching up the pieces of our broken hearts. God has been faithful and He is indeed the great comforter. We're getting by! 

Pop, I'm going to try to run down some of the major events that took place this year. Events I'm sure you would've loved to attend in person. Some are not events par say. I know you love to read so here goes something... 

Caleb and Maryam had a baby girl. She was named Hannah Shimfwo Banta. She's a gorgeous little girl who loves to laugh. Just like you. She's friendly, hardly cries, and loves to sleep... Yes... Just like you too. 

The last grand child you held in your arms, Menyit. The cry baby who's also extremely cute and loveable. She celebrated her first birthday. She's grown now though. She walks, knows her ABCs, and is a great dancer. Just like her mother. You didn't know how to dance Daddy, so... She didn't get that from you. No vex! Hehehe

Mummy turned 60! She also retired. Her birthday was gloomy. Some of us had to hide and cry because it was obvious... Your space was vacant. The void was just so glaring. Smiling was like a crime at this party. But mummy is aging gracefully. She's so grateful to God for everything and she misses you... She had plans. Let me give you a hint, she was preparing to teach you how to eat Boiled Rice and Egusi soup... You didn't really like Egusi soup, but she was really ready for you! Now I'm at her mercy... Whewww. Egusi and White Rice is yummy though. 

Daddy, I started wearing makeup on a professional level. I'm reporting myself because the last disagreement we had was on the color of my lipstick. Please permit me to slay occasionally! 

Martins got married oh Daddy. He married a cute lady who's name is Nankling. He really felt bad that you didn't get to see him walk down the isle with his girl! 

Kucheli and Williams had a baby girl! Her name is Hadassah. She's so cute. She loves kisses and is very playful. You loved playful babies and I remember you were always asking how Kucheli was coping with her pregnancy. Well, this is the wittu human being she was carrying! You would've loved her. 

Swandys wrote a book in your honor. It's a book that you'd be very proud of. It describes you and enumerates the impact you've had on us your kids and all other people who came in contact with you at some point in your lifetime. I imagine you calling all your friends and telling them to grab a copy of the book. You'd always be evergreen in our hearts. We're looking for ways to keep your memories alive and this book is a great place to start. 

There was a medical outreach to Kaura in January. It held in honor of you. A lot of lives were saved... A guy with torn intestines nearly died but he had to undergo surgery during the outreach. He's doing fine at the moment. We tried going through with it because that was something you had in mind to do. Many people appreciated it and we give glory to God! 

You got an award!!! Yippy!!! Your hard work in church was recognized by both man and God! We are incredibly proud that other people who aren't in our nucleus recognize how amazing you are as a person. 

I can go on and on and on but street 365 has a whole lot of other events that I'm sure you're aware of. We miss you terribly Daddy.  Your grandkids... The older ones, they always talk about you. They ask questions about you... And they always struggle to sleep on your side of the bed whenever they come visiting. 

We miss you Daddy. Life isn't the same without you. I thought I'd take my own life at the demise of one of my family members but God's grace is sufficient for me. We're all getting by and the comforter is incredible. One year, fresh and fond memories of you are in our hearts... Ten or twenty or fifty years later, they'll still remain fresh! I love you daddy. I hope you enjoyed taking a tour down street 365?!? Give God a big handshake (you don't do hugs or kisses) for us all because He's been extremely good to us! I'll always love you! #Selah